Benzer11 com introduces new medicine for stopping smoking
Released on = October 12, 2006, 3:58 am
Press Release Author = Olivia Andrews
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = is finding new ways for curbing smoking habits and quitting completely in some cases.
Press Release Body = Smoking gradually harm every part of the body. Smokers are more prone to various illnesses than non-smokers. It is the major cause of lung cancer, which is killing thousands of Americans every year. Smoking is nearly 87% cause of the lung cancer. It is also affecting women rapidly and now surpassed breast cancer as the number one cause of death among the women.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 46.2 million US adults were current smokers in 2001 (the most recent year for which numbers are available). This is 22.8% of all adults (25.2% of men, 20.7% of women) - nearly 1 in every 4 people.
"Smoking is major cause of deaths in U.S. right now, which is killing an estimated 160,000 people every year. In UK, it is expected to be around 115,000 deaths every year," says Dr. Allan Cutts, a practicing doctor prescribing anti-smoking medicines and treatment for patients and clients. "Deaths by smoking are five times higher than other combined pre-mature deaths like accidental deaths, murders, overdose, poisoning, suicides and even HIV infection," he added further.
"At, we have studied the smoking habits of men and women at different stage. We believe that medicines like Chantix now come up to help quitting smoking completely or it must be influential to curb smoking habits significantly. Unlike patches and gums, which simply gives nicotine in another form, Chantix counteracts what nicotine does. Voth says Chantix increases dopamine levels so a person does not have withdrawal and, at the same time, it blocks the effects of nicotine, so if a person does smoke, they do not get the surges in dopamine, which means there\'s no physical reinforcement for the nicotine use," sources said.
According to national survey report in US, nearly half of the smoking community will die in their middle age alone. As said earlier, smoking is the true cause of fatal lung cancer, which is more chronic disease to normal cancer. Smoking is the cause of 30% cancer deaths in America alone. Though a person can survive with lung cancer, thanks to today's medical advancement, however, his life expectancy will be significantly reduced compared to normal cancer patient.
"However, merely invention of medicines will not be sufficient. It must also be backed by strong anti-smoking campaign at national level. It is very necessary to create awareness for anti-smoking specially among the teenagers. Public health campaigns must be increased to make people understand the health hazards due to smoking, " Dr. Allan Cutts emphasized.
Please visit at to know more about Chantix medicine.
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Contact Details = Binghamton, NY 13902 607-722-1734
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